Membership Lifecycle

Membership Lifecycle 

When the club receives a enquiry to join or get information about the club, the contact can be invited to register on GCCC ClubPal system, by sending them a link via the system, or providing them with the system address -

Once they have registered on the system and their email address has been validated by the system their created profile will allocated the status of Guest.

Guest - Guest is the default Status and is used for members that are new to the club and have no special status, and have limited access.

Once vetted by a club member with membership management permissions their status can be manually updated to Trial status.

The system can also handle the situation where for example a parent creates a profile and then adds a sub profile of for example a child. The management and communication are handled by the primary profile.

Trial - Trial Members are treated the same as Active members for the purposes of granting access/Members Only sessions. It's a useful way to grant access to prospective members and can be used with the Expiry date to automatically expire their Trial status on a set date.

A member who has committed to join and purchase a membership package E.G. Adult member can be set to Pending by a member with membership management permissions.

Pending - A member who intends to join e.g. we may be processing a manual payment, but does not have Active member access.

In order to purchase a membership package a code has to be provided and used during the purchase process. This will ensure the individual is appropriate for the package selected. Once a member has purchased a membership package on the system their status is automatically set to Active

Active - An Active member has access to Members Only sections of the site and can book on to Members Only sessions. 

This Active status will automatically be maintained whilst the member has a valid paid up membership package.

Lapsed - An Active member will be automatically moved in to the Lapsed status after their membership has expired for the number of days set in the Grace Period membership setting. (Currently set to 28 days, email reminder sent after 14 days, Expiry email sent after 21 days)

Expired - Members will be automatically moved in to the Expired after their membership has expired and the grace period has elapsed.

Suspended - Members can be manually placed in the Suspended state. It currently has no special meaning in the platform.

Current Membership Packages available




